Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A few days away!

Well, it's spring break time again so we are currently enjoying a few days away to relax. Actually, the Massey girls are enjoying some time off while Daddy is busy working! : ) We joined him for a conference in Ohio that he is attending for his job. Not exactly the sunny southern location that we were hoping for but we'll take the room service for food, the maid service for clean-up and the indoor pool to relax by any day! ; ) We have enjoyed some time shopping, cuddling up at night to watch a movie (Alvin & the Chipmunks, obviously chosen by the girls but also enjoyed by Mom and Dad!), and lots of playing games in the hotel room. Allison and Lauren are becoming Dominos pros and Allie plays on the expert level of UNO! Katelyn is enjoying hanging out w/ her sisters and is doing great on her first "vacation"! We are hoping to head home thru Cincinnati tomorrow night to take in their Childrens Museum before heading home. Nothing better than a few days away as a family to enjoy each other without all of the "normal" distractions of life!

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