Thursday, January 29, 2009

Katelyn's 1st birthday!

We are having a big family party to celebrate Katelyn Grace's 1st birthday this weekend but in the mean time, we had to do something special on her actual birthday, which happened to be today. So, the girls and I sang "Happy Birthday" to her this morning (she just laughed and smiled while we sang to her!) and then spent most of the day playing with her toys and just having fun together. Allie had another 2 hour delay for school due to our recent snow so all four of us girls got to enjoy some extra special time together this morning. Then tonight, we headed to one of our favorite places to eat....Texas Roadhouse (I'm sure she will love their steaks in just a few years!) with my mom and dad to have a good dinner in her honor! : ) She got to open up one of her presents there and enjoyed her favorite to eat....vanilla pudding! Here are just a few recent pictures of her. She has been teething for what seems like an eternity so in most of the photos she has a runny nose and looks like a little "rugrat" but she's our sweet "rugrat"!!! We can't believe how quickly the time has gone this first year with her. She is so much fun and from the looks of this past year with her, she is going to be quite a character! The girls still absolutely adore her and can't wait to teach her more things this coming new year. She loves to wave but can't figure out that you wave your hand facing out instead of in so she usually ends up waving to herself! She also loves to have Daddy "fly" her in the air and she cracks up laughing at just about everything the girls do to entertain her. One of her favorite things to do while Mommy is in the kitchen is to get into the cabinets that she has access to (some are locked now because of her little fingers wanting to grab at everything!) and she loves to pull out all of the plastic cups and bowls to play with. We feel so blessed to have her join our family and thank God for her each and every day!

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