Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here's to the end of another wonderful school bring on SUMMER!!!

Hard to believe that we are done with another school year but we are and I am very happy to announce....SUMMER HAS ARRIVED at the Massey house.....woohoooooo!  : )  We have been blessed to have had another healthy, happy and jam-packed year of school.....both Allie and Lauren really enjoyed their classes this year, loved their teachers, and had a ball with their friends.  Allie is kind of bittersweet with the end of this year as she has officially finished elementary school (our elementary goes thru 6th grade) and is now moving on to 7th grade and the jr. high school!  She is very excited to go there but a bit sad to leave Waverly.  She has absolutely loved it there!  However, she did say she was glad to have 2 younger sisters so that she will still be able to visit there and see her former teachers from time to time!  : )  Lauren is excited to now be headed to 2nd grade!  And Katie is just glad to have her sissies back home every day for the summer break!  And Mama.....well Mama is just excited to slow things down a bit....enjoy the awesome summer sunshine and extra time with my sweet  : )

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