Monday, March 4, 2013

Allie is officially a TEENAGER!!!

Oh my goodness....this can't be....but our "baby" is now a TEENAGER!!!  How in the world of craziness did this happen so quickly???  Her day has finally arrived.  She has been literally counting the hours until the magic occurred that she would wake up to be 13!  : )  I think she realized soon after that she pretty much felt the exact same as she did when she was "12" but she was still very excited to have reached this fun milestone.  So exciting for her!  She had been teasing (imagine that....) for an I-phone.  Along with every other teenager in America.  And from the get-go we had thought that just wasn't gonna happen.  But upon doing a bit of research and thinking, we decided to be 'the best parents in the entire universe' (we'll see how long that title lasts.....) and surprise with it for her birthday present!  ***shhhh....don't tell but we got the phone for free and a good deal on our monthly package so it really didn't cost us that much....but that's between us.....  ; )  She really also wanted a fun friends party this year and since Daddy still travels quite a bit during the year and earns points for his hotel stays, we were able to cash some of those in for a free night at a nice hotel (with a 2 room suite!) on the northside of Indy, very close to a great mall. Once again, please hand over the title of "Parents of the Year" to us.  Temporarily.  Haha!  So Mama took 5 teenage girls to the mall, for some shopping, then to a hotel for the night for swimming, eating, laughing, movie-watching, hairstyling, laughing, more eating, and never sleeping.....while Dad and the other two Massey girlies enjoyed a night at home having fun together.  Allie must have told me atleast 10 times how much fun they had at her party and how much she loved this birthday.  Now to see what 14 holds for next year!  : )  So proud of our "little girl".....Allison Renee, you have become a wonderful young lady....full of funny things to say, spunk to add to just about any conversation, tons of love for your friends and family, a super creative spirit, a voice for singing...and talking.....and a true blessing to us as your parents.  We love you girl!!!!

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