Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Times.....they are a changin....

So, I guess if you wait long enough to post the happenings in your life, they change even more??!!  That can be said for the Massey fam for sure.  It has been awhile since I've posted.  So let's get to it.....  We have had fun with the following events lately...
**Hubs and I celebrated 18 years of married life...and I love him even more today than I did the day we married : )
**Hubs also celebrated another year of life : )  41...but who's counting anyway....and living daily with four women in the house.  Well, let's just say "bless his heart"!
**Spring Break -- the Massey family headed to the good ol' state of Tennessee.  Nashville, TN to be exact.  Hubs had a few things to do there at his corporate office (and we house hunted...more on that in a moment) so we girlies tagged along for fun.
**Easter....wonderful day celebrating our risen Savior.  Not that we don't celebrate this every day but we definitely love having a day to proclaim this even louder.  Now to make sure we focus on praising our God each and every day, during the good and the not-so-good moments.
**Girlies = haircuts, talent shows, family times, etc...  All good things, just busy life moments. 
**And our biggest news...saved for last.....we did house hunt during Spring Break for the reason that we have decided to move our family a bit south to be closer to J's corporate office in Nashville, Tennessee.  We sold our house in under 3 weeks here (wow!! thank you Lord!) and then found one down there in 3 days (even bigger wow and thank you Lord!).  We officially close on our new home this Friday and then move everything and everyone down there on 5/30.  While we are excited that God is leading us down there, we can't move without saying we are a bit sad as well.  We have family and wonderful friends here so being a little farther away from all of them will be hard, to say the least.  And our church family has been home to us for so many years as well.  But, God has a plan for us for this next season in our lives and who are we to second guess His plan??  I'm learning even more about patience and giving Him complete control.  Yes, I need alot of work in those areas : )  But I am so very thankful that He continues to teach me and love me, both at the same time!  I hope to use this blog even more when we move south.  And I promise to try and add a bit of southern charm in it to make it more interesting....  ; ) 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Another year of being a teen....and we are surviving! : )

Our first baby turned 14.......I am in awe....  Of course partly due to the fact that she's getting older and older and we are not....HA!  But mostly because God gave us (and trusts us) this sweet, funny, quick-witted, smart, fashionable, fun-loving, gorgeous girl to help raise.  Thank you Jesus for blessing us with this daughter of YOURS, that we could call ours as well.  My heart sometimes just can't hold how much I love this girl.  Then I remember she's a teenager.  Just kidding.....

We love you so very much Allison Renee Massey.  You are growing up way too quickly for your mom and dad.  May you always have the fun-loving spirit inside of you.  May you continue to grow your faith in Jesus.  May your smile always shine thru.  And may you always remember how very much you are loved.  Happy 14th baby girl.....

Friday, February 7, 2014

Birthdays are happening in the Massey house!!!

Fun times in the Massey house as we are on our way to celebrating three birthdays in our family.  Our "baby" turned 6.....holy moly!!  And I do believe she loved every minute of her celebration!  Then in 2 weeks, our oldest turns 14....that's even more of a holy moly : )  And shortly after that, our fearless leader of the fam....DADDY!....turns....well, 41!  Loving every minute of the fun and great memories being made.  We are so blessed.....

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's......yep, I'm a little behind....

So I've been busy again.  I'm good at that.  But no excuses, after all....it's 2014, a new year. And with new years, comes new resolutions and new change.  Ok, so I need to get better at posting to the blog.......and not running late.  That last one I had to add since I'm notoriously late (not horribly, just a few minutes.....I know, I'm making excuses....) to so many things that we head to and it just makes me grumpy.

Anywho....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!  We had a wonderful holiday season, enjoying so many of the fun family traditions that we do.  Let's see, where do I begin.  We hosted my favorite holiday of Thanksgiving at our house for my side of the family.  Always love that.  Food and family.  Doesn't get better than that if you ask me.  Then the Christmas season officially began.  And we were able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas concert at Lauren's school.  Her class sang 4 songs.  And she did a great job and looked so pretty right in the front row!  Mommy also enjoyed a neat new event at our church called "CCG Pinterest Live".....I was pretty busy most of the fall season helping to prepare for it with our ladies' ministry team.  And it went off beautifully.  God is good!  We had over 600 ladies enjoy it with us too!  We as a family did our normal little Christmas fun things, like visiting Christmas lights while eating Chinese take-out food in the van : ) , making gingerbread houses together, watching ELF....a few hundred times....., and heading the Childrens' Museum on Christmas Eve day for some family time.  We also were able to see almost ALL of our extended family for the holidays and spent many fun evenings eating and laughing together with so many that we love!  What a perfect way to end 2013.

Now the kids and Mama are enjoying the last few days of break before school starts up again on Monday.  And to top it off, we woke up today to 6 inches of snow on the ground so looks like we'll end our vacation fun with some sledding, snowboarding, fort-making

 and snowball fights.  Life is so very good.....  Happy 2014!!!