Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall Break for the Massey Family!

Last week was fall break from Allie's school so we decided to keep up our family tradition and head down to Gatlinburg, TN for a few days! We love that area during the fall season. It is absolutely beautiful with the leaves changing and the Smokey Mountains all around you. And, it has great shopping and restaurants too so who could ask for anything better??!! We spent a few days having all kinds of fun. Got to see a dinner show at the Dixie Stampede...if you've never done that with your family, I highly recommend it. It's not cheap but totally worth it...the girls absolutely loved it! They bring out longhorn cattle, horses of all kinds with trick riders, stage coaches, etc.. And, they serve the food family style with no utensils...it's that good kind of southern cooking that you eat with your hands...yum! : ) We also spent part of a day going up the mountain via the Sky Tram and spent some time going thru the bear exhibit up there and having the kiddos ride down the Alpine slide...lots of fun! We let the girls each pick out one special "prize" to take home with them from our trip....Lauren of course chose a small "Dora & Boots" car and Allison decided on a "super balloon" rocket. Daddy was very excited about her choice....sounded like some good fun to him! They both ended up loving that prize and played with it nonstop outside! Definitely getting our moneys worth out of that one! On our way home, we decided to meet up with Jason's parents at a campground in eastern KY to get one more fun day out of the vacation. The girls love spending time camping with Nana and Papa. We also had a family friend that was staying at a cabin close to the campground and they have a granddaughter that is Allison's age and they have become good friends over the past few years so we were able to meet up with them at their cabin for a few hours. The girls enjoyed playing together and we loved hanging out at their big campfire that night and eating lots of yummy s'mores! Lauren enjoyed spending time wandering around the creek and woods close to our campsite and she really liked playing hide & go seek w/ Daddy behind the trees! Allison collects rocks of all kinds so we couldn't keep her out of the little creek this time. For a fabulous end to our trip, we camped near a place called "Natural Bridge", KY and we got to go up a chair lift about 400 feet and view and walk on the actual Natural Bridge (it's made out of sandstone and just naturally formed into a bridge after years of erosion)...absolutely gorgeous views from up there....made you remember how awesome God is having created all that you see! All in all, a great few days of vacation just spent w/ family having fun!

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